Mobilink Microfinance Bank Latest Jobs 2021 - Apply through

 This page contains information about Mobilink Microfinance Bank Jobs 2021 - Apply online at This information is available on the official website of Mobilink Bank. Mobilink Microfinance Bank (Mobilink also known as Jazz) seeks to employ Pakistani citizens who are strong, competent, resilient and committed to a successful career in the banking sector. Applicants should also visit Jazz Works.

Mobilink Microfinance Bank Jobs Latest ad

The Bank seeks to employ a QA & Reporting Manager - Call Centers, Manager Center Manager, Banking Branch Manager - Audit, Relationship Officer - Home Services, and Relationship Officer - Sales. Students with a Bachelor's Degree and Masters's Degree may apply for these positions.

Interested job seekers who want to apply for these vacancies are invited to visit the MMBL website to learn the required Qualification, Experience, Skills, and Application procedures. In total, candidates with a Bachelor's Degree and Masters's Degree may apply for these positions.

Job Details:

 Posted on: 27 August 2021

 Location: Pakistan

 Education: Bachelor, Master

 Deadline: September 01, 2021


 Company: Mobilink Microfinance Bank

 Address: Mobilink Microfinance Bank, Islamabad


Vacant Spaces:

  1. Banking Banking Manager - Audit
  2. Manager's Call Center
  3. QA Manager and Reporting - Call Centers
  4. Relationship Officer - Sales of Goods
  5. Relationship Officer - Rural Banking

How do you apply for Mobilink Microfinance Bank Jobs 2021?

  1. Applications are invited online via MMBL Job Portal
  2. Only online applications that work through the hiring process.
  3. The closing date for each post is listed on the MBBL Online Career Portal.
  4. To complete the Online Application Form visit the prescribed link
Mobilink Microfinance Bank Latest Jobs   2021 - Apply through

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